756325647 发表于 2019-5-13 13:45:17


摘 要随着越来越多的场合正向自动化无人职守迈进,尤其在安全、监控等领域。为了进一步降低成本,减少人力的投资,以及更集中、更方便的掌握现场情况,许多场合都采用了电子监控设备,如办公室,发电站,机场,海关等等领域。而这些电子设备的设计无疑涉及到这些领域的安全性,这就对监控设备的成本,稳定性,以及性能三方面都提出了更高的要求。本系统的研究背景主要是根据现有视频监控系统的不足,旨在降低系统的成本和提高系统的性能。它采用了价格低廉的三星应用处理器S3C2410,并使用软件音、视频编解码器,能实现以250Kbps和350Kbps的编码位流速进行网络传输,并以160*128和320*240两种显示分辩率,可以进行良好的视频监控。同时,它的一个最大的特点是可以在终端上进行录像,而不需要通过PC机,这样既适合低功耗的场合,又可以减少的系统的复杂性。图像采集终端则采用性价比很高的USB型摄像头,在市场上很容易买到,同时,USB型摄像头具有很好的通用性,驱动程序丰富,可以减少代码的编写。由于本系统使用标准的以太网进行传输,因此系统支持无限个终端进行级联,监控区域可以很轻易的进行扩大。综上所述,本系统采用ARM9处理器,USB摄像头,标准以太网传输,实现了一个性能良好的视频监控系统。关键词:嵌入式;Linux;ARM;CODEC;视频监控AbstractAs more and more occasions no positive duty towards automation, especially in security, monitoring, and other fields. To further reduce costs and reduce manpower investment and more focused, more convenient to grasp the situation on many occasions used the electronic monitoring equipment, such as offices, power stations, airports, customs and so on the field. These electronic devices undoubtedly related to the design of these areas of security, which the monitoring equipment, the cost, stability and performance of all three areas a higher demand.The system of background are mainly based on existing video surveillance system inadequate, aimed at reducing the cost and improve system performance. It uses the low price of Samsung's application processor S3C2410, the use of software and audio and video codecs, to achieve 250 Kbps to 350 Kbps encoding and digital transmission network velocity, and160 *128 and 320 * 240 two display resolution, Can be a good video surveillance. At the same time, one of its greatest feature is the terminal on the video, rather than through a PC, this is suitable for low power consumption of the occasion, can also reduce the complexity of the system.Image Collection Terminal is a high cost-effective use of the USB-based camera, in the market is readily available, at the same time, USB-based camera has a good GM, driver rich, can reduce the preparation of the code. Since this system uses standard Ethernet transmission, the system supports an unlimited number of terminal cascade, the region can easily monitor the conduct of expansion.In a word, this system uses ARM9 processor, USB camera, standard Ethernet transmission, to achieve a good performance of the video surveillance system.Keyword:Embedded;Linux;ARM;CODEC;Video Surveillance
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yichan 发表于 2020-3-17 23:56:27


xiadongdong 发表于 2023-8-5 04:05:41

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